Each fall as a new television season begins, it is gratifying to note the IMTA alumni who add to their résumés with work on “television.” In the 21st Century, “television” is not just a “smart” TV, but any portable device or computer with internet access. Networks and cable channels produce their own line-up of original shows and films, as do streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon and Hulu…and soon, Apple TV. YouTube and Vimeo serve as platforms for independent filmmakers and writers to release original series and films. All of these outlets provide unlimited—and ongoing—possibilities for IMTA alumni to appear on “the small screen” by making their full catalog of shows, new and old, available on-line so that they may be viewed year-round, 24-7.
Below are just a few of the IMTA alumni working on network, cable or web series, appearing on returning or new series in regular or recurring roles, announced guest-starring appearances, and lead or supporting roles in TV movies and mini-series. Our apologies for any names missing. IMTA is equally proud of all of the alumni working in the entertainment industry and we try to keep track of as many as we can. Please let us know of castings, guest appearances and other successes of IMTA alums.